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Pressemitteilungen - Trevor Harvey has won his first race - at the last corner.

Trevor Harvey has won his first race - at the last corner.

I was actually trying to stay up for the 4:30am Monday start for the race at Zandvoort in the F3 Dutch Series.
Trevor qualified 3rd (+0.004 from 1st), finished 2nd in Race 1, and stole the win at the Final Corner in Race 2.
His celebration? A mimic of one of his Australian Compatriots, and he did a good job of it too! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QqrWKNpAniA
It is about time Trevor joined in the winner's circle. He has had his fair share of teasers throughout his career. We all hope this is the first of many wins to come.

am 2015-01-18 22:36:05 von LittleMLO
Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 13.11

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