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Pressemitteilungen - Well everyones Holiday from having to deal with me is OVER!

Well everyones Holiday from having to deal with me is OVER!

Hey guys i did not die from Covid or anything else yet! I also did not quit I just had some problems with internet providers from moving. So i got a hot spot today to solve the issue.

So all you guys in Indy series expect TEX to not look like an over skilled Bot anymore. Time to challenge the top 3 again!

Now As for Mercedes My assistants did a great job trying to follow our strategy. Everything looks good and Our Balance sheet reflect our patience and strategy this season. To our Drivers season 41 Car will be much better then this seasons car! As promised every season Mercedes will put out a better car. Our sponsors are not pissed about season 40 chassis anymore. Mistakes are positive if we learn from them .. I am learning alot becuase if anything less then perfect is a mistake I am learning at an outrageous rate!

Since was Gone for Both Christmas and New years.. Merry Christmas to All and everyone a Better then 2020 New Year! And that will be easy to achieve!


am 2021-01-07 01:48:50 von TerryWilson
Likes: 7 | Bewertung: 13.17

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