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News About Development 2013-08-07

News About Development 2013-08-07

Hi mates! It have been really long time when we wrote news about development but it doesn't mean that we are not working. This time you will be able to read really long news about development and plans for future.

Let's start with user profile changes. Someone of you have complained that if you retire your driver, then you are not able find him very well, trophies what they have will be hided. However now you are able find retired drivers from user profile. In driver profile there is now section called "Ex-manager" which shows you the previous manager of that driver. You are also able to see trophies of that driver if the ex-manager have superlicense.

Someone of you have thought that we don't read forums, that's not true because we are reading them and trying find good ideas which would be cool program to game. Of course we are not able to do everything what you are suggesting but someone of them. If i remember right that next feature what i'm going to present for you got it's idea/basics from forum suggestion.

And the feature what i was talking about is Driver Analyse page. Now you are able to compare your driver when you are going to someone else driver profile and then click Analyse. There you can compare your rankings, ratings, records, season stats, all time stats and driver skills. This feature took really much time because it had so many things to compare.

For this season, and for next seasons too we have developed new system for picking up drivers for Trophy of the Champions. You are able to find it from Driver Ranking page. Now it's not only about how well you are doing in your season series, now there is matter about custom series, wins, poles and podiums. For next how we give ranking points for that:

-Season series points
-Custom series (1st 400 points, 2nd 200 points and 3rd, 100 points)

Next points if driver have driven at least 30 qualifications:

Then about new press releases rewarding system. We got some complains that same winners wins too often. So that's why we are going to some penalties for previous winners. But still even that you have won last time it doesn't mean that you are not able to win anymore, this just makes competition more challenging for you and new writers have better changes. Next how penalties will be counted:
0.5 * current rating - for last winner
0.7 * current rating - for winner 4 weeks ago
0.8 * current rating - for winner 6 weeks ago
0.9 * current rating - for winner 8 weeks ago

We also created Vote for Us! page to the promotion screen. So there is sites where we have been listed and you can vote us or visit on those pages. This helps us a lot because all votes and visits grow ups our status on those pages and more peoples know us better and it means new managers for us.

And last small change was that we added to finance page possibility to see if your employee's contract is ending and at the next week you have to pay sign bonus for him again. This was added to planned balance changes section on finances page.

Next about future plans. We have started working with Formula 1 system already, it looks possible that we might start it at the start of 6th season or at the start of season 7. This system takes while to do but we are were satisfied that this system will come soon. Other important things for future is start national sport associations in 2 seasons. And of course create live broadcast for races too. And we are going to do some small things too, like a statistics page, etc. So you are going to expect some programming in the future.

We still need more team members to make this game more enjoyable to you managers. You can help us and your community if you try to apply to someone of these jobs, please contact to flipers if you are interested in some of these jobs:

Ambassador is a person responsible for everything important for the country. He is a leader of the country in the game. He is supposed to take care of other team members from the country, bringing more people to the game, help to new registered managers, keeping the country forum alive, replying to users questions. So shortly, their man task is take care of country's community. Normally you have to be Deputy before you can be Ambassador.

Deputies are working under the ambassador, working on the tasks set by ambassador. Mostly bringing the new people to the game, helping to new registered managers, keeping the forums alive, and so on...

And last but no least, translators. Their job is ensure high-quality translates for their country. We are searching at least 2 guys for every language. If you understand English well and write your language well. Take contact us.

That's it! Have a nice day! :)

by Arskap
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