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Best Press Releases Writers Rewarded! #4

Best Press Releases Writers Rewarded! #4

It is time to announce the best press releases of the last 2 weeks again and send 50 coins to the winners again. 50 coins is enough for 1 month Superlicense. I also would like to tell you more about what we are doing in the game now and what is the plan for the immediate future.

Best Press Releases Writers Rewarded! #4

Let`s see what we are working on right now. There is nice progress being done on Live Broadcast and Arskap is also preparing data for track maps, which will be used in live broadcast. I believe you will be soon be able to see some examples or screenshots.

Another important thing I want to tell you is about my personal life. I don`t like to promote myself :) BUT last sunday I participated in my second half marathon run in my life. It was really cold, only around -2 degrees and it was snowing a bit and my time was nothing special, just above 2 hours and 28 minutes, which is slower than my first half marathon last year. But I did it! It can be motivation for you to do something for your health and maybe we can meet in such an event in the future!

I must also tell you that there is not much fast progress planned with the improvements in the game, because at least next 5 weeks I will be very busy in my regular work finishing a project.

Ok and now to the best press releases! Here are the winners:
- Laadislav for his czech press release.
- edis10 for his german press release.
- Nightwolf13 for his english press release.
- Aterminator for his finnish press release.
- michael66 for his french press release.
- McPeppolo for his italian press release.
- MDK321 for his latvian press release.
- Randy22 for his hungarian press release.
- Diglize for his polish press release.
- kirix019 for his russian press release.
- lxfor123 for his chinesse press release.

Next time we will reward best press release's will be in 2 weeks on Sunday 7th of April 2013.

Don`t hesitate to write your press release to have chance to win coins, everybody can write one. And also don`t hesitate to give your like to press releases you liked. You can help somebody to be rewarded.

by DebiK
Übersetzer: ArkAngel
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