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Suomi Darius Halosen kausi Kausi on tähän mennessä alkanut vaihtelevasti. Darius ajaa kilpaa Scandinavian Seriessä ja on tällä hetkellä sarjataulukossa 3. Keskeytyksiä on tullut aivan liikaa. Vauhti tuntuu riittävän, koska joka kisassa jonka Darius on tullut maaliin on hän sei...
den 2012-10-27 09:45:42 af DariusHalonen - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 2.48)
English Show your Support!! Show your Support for October Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign ! Get Together With the Girls and Join to Fight Against Breast Cancer !
den 2012-10-27 00:37:31 af kacinoman - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 5.28)
Polski 1-szy wyścig w Anhembi 1-szy wyścig zakończył się zwycięstwem Roberta! Na torze naprawdę sporo się działo, prawie połowę okrążeń w wyścigu "uczestniczył" safety-car. Na szczęście żaden pech nie dosięgnął naszego kierowcy i spokojnie kontrolując sytuację od startu...
den 2012-10-26 23:34:57 af komanch - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.73)
English First career win for Dominik Dan Today in Barcelona slovak driver Dominik Dan got the first ever W to his belt. It is very valuable win due to it really improves his chances in the second half of the Formula 3 Spanish Series. Here is the short interview with him. Reporter: Domin...
den 2012-10-26 23:12:02 af DebiK - Likes: 7 | Rancering: 10.84)
English Mediterranean Series - Race 1 smiles to the Frenches at Monaco Sob race the first one at Montecarlo: the SC enters five times on the track and drivers can really race only 7 laps on 24. The first three at the start (De Montferrand, Louis and Torrenti) maintain their position, while Marone finishes 8th due to an ...
den 2012-10-26 23:11:22 af MarkLRivers - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 2.68)
English Sjaak de Vries takes over P1 in the benelux series Whit a litle bit of luck Sjaak de Vries took the lead in the benelux series today. He had a decent top 5 quali but a collision during the first lap of the wet race putted him back in 9th place. A view nice overtakes helped him pack to p2 and then the...
den 2012-10-26 20:53:04 af Pollie - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.74)
Suomi EM-sarja Nürburgring 26.10.2012 Ensimmäiseen 20 kierroksen kisaan lähti Tommi poikkeavalla taktiikalla tekemällä yhden varikkopysähdyksen 10 kierroksen jälkeen. Taktiikka toimi niin hyvin, että ravoisan ajon ansiosta pääsi hurja kuskimme melkein pisteille ollen lopputuloksissa 12. ...
den 2012-10-26 18:44:11 af Dable - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.41)
English F3 World Series. 2-nd half of the season started! The first race of the 6th event has just finished! My pilot started 2nd, but he was lucky at the start and took the 1st position. There was no big mistakes for him during the race and he won his 4th race of the season. I'm waiting for Sundays race.....
den 2012-10-26 18:41:18 af Somebodystopme - Likes: 5 | Rancering: 7.03)
Français Promocourse - Philippe De Montferrand Le Team auvergnat "Promocourse" sponsorisé par "ASM-Clermont-A... est actuellement un des meilleurs top-Team. Prudemment, il ne s'est pas inscrit dans la catégorie la plus forte des séries et c'est une grosse erreur.Néanmoins, les prem...
den 2012-10-25 17:43:22 af Promocourse - Likes: 5 | Rancering: 7.78)
Suomi EM-sarjan aika-ajot Suurin toivein Tommi Häkkinen lähti Nürburgringin aika-ajoon tavoitteenaan paikka 6 parhaan joukossa. Jostain ihmeellisestä syystä johtuen ensimmäinen aika-ajo kierros meni täysin penkin alle isojen ajovirheiden takia ja kärkeen tuli matkaa yli 17 se...
den 2012-10-25 13:01:37 af Dable - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.75)
English Mediterranean Series - The Fantastic Four on the stage at Monaco First four in the series at the first four places in qualify in Montecarlo. As predictable (and predicted), De Montferrand and Louis, sure about their best setup, hided their real potential in free practice just to place stratospheric times in qualif...
den 2012-10-25 09:09:54 af MarkLRivers - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.48)
Polski Pole Posiotion w Anhembi Nasz kierowca w dniu wczorajszym pojechał bardzo dobre kwalifikacje osiągając najlepszy czas przejazdu o prawie pół sekundy lepszy od drugiego najszybszego kierowcy, tym samym rezerwując sobie najlepsze miejsce startowe przed piątkowym wyścigiem w An...
den 2012-10-25 07:21:47 af komanch - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.73)
English Sjaak de Vries shows his rain racing skills In the Pergusa short race of the Coppa Italia Sjaak de Vries showed his rain racing skills today. Starting from P5 he went to P3 at the first lap. after a view laps he was on P1 and at the end of the 17 lap race he had a 9sec lead. This nice result b...
den 2012-10-26 22:53:08 af Pollie - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.74)
English Mediterranean Series - Someone plays with covered cards at the Montecarlo Casino Just few hours before the qualify at Montecarlo. By now all drivers spent their stints in free practice and the situation is quite foggy. While the Italians couple Marone - Torrenti (respectively 2nd e 3rd in general classification) seems to have dis...
den 2012-10-24 12:26:48 af MarkLRivers - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.74)
English Jones Stumbles at wet Queensland race Alan Jones run of 6 consecutive wins in the Australian F3 Series is over. Leading from pole, the championship leader had a tentative start to what is normal in the extremely wet conditions. After Sheahan had gotten past on Lap 3, there was no looking...
den 2012-10-24 10:27:49 af FlyingFinn - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.74)
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