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Latviešu Sezona! Sveiki! Sen neesmu rakstījis, bet varu pateikt to, ka Matīsam Jaunzemam veicas ļoti labi savā karjerā! Pēdējā sacīkstē viņš pirmo reizi iebrauca TOP 10 un izcīnija 8 vietu. Viņš pēc šīs sacīkstes to atzīmēja, bet nepāršāva pār mēru! Viņš ir ļoti laim...
den 2013-04-20 21:15:02 af MDK321 - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.81)
Deutsch Eduardo Diesel setzt nächstes Ausrufezeichen! Am Anfang der 3. Saison von My Racing Career entschied sich der erst 18 jährige Eduardo Diesel gegen den Start bei der Rookie Driver Series. Stattdessen startete er seine Karriere direkt in einer offiziellen Rennserie, der F3 German Series. Ihm war b...
den 2013-04-20 09:02:14 af edis10 - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 1.28)
Magyar 16.hely után 1. hely Az ifjú Barna Gergő 1.lett és a másodikat 10 másodpercel verte.Ez a hely nagy csoda lett a 16. hely után 1.lett különben már az is csoda volt hogy 7.helyről induét
den 2013-04-19 22:06:27 af Farina03 - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 0.36)
Magyar Jelenről és Jövőről Üdvözlök mindenkit! Ebben a cikkben megtudhatjátok, hogyan teljesít a pilótám: Talmácsi Norbert, és szó fog esni a közeli és a távolabbi jövőről is! Jelenről: A pilótám az idei szezonban, az Újonc sorozatban versenyez kisebb - nagyobb sikerre...
den 2013-04-19 17:42:57 af BZoltan - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 5.17)
English 2nd Victory for Merkel Young driver Angela Merkel was celebrating her 2nd victory today. Although being only in a custom series this win gives the whole enough confidence to perform good at the Formula 2 African Series this weekend and have a good chance to claim the numbe...
den 2013-04-18 22:26:26 af Fixboy - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 1.35)
English Saudi Arabia's only hope Nemi Al Sumani has been hired to the team due to his sheer ability to race well. Already in his first week in the sport, Nemi has picked up two rookie wins and stands to collect on another two with two races in the United States to contest yet, altho...
den 2013-04-18 17:45:53 af HerakofSA - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 0.33)
Polski Indy Junior USA Series: Ostatnia prosta Już za troszkę ponad dwa tygodnie kończy się kolejny, 3. już sezon Jurka Ide. Jednak nie ma czasu na odpoczynek, a już na pewno nie teraz. Mistrzostwa Indy Junior USA wkraczają w decydującą fazę! Jurek Ide, jeden z dwóch Polaków startujących w tym...
den 2013-04-18 01:14:23 af Diglize - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.00)
English F3 North America Series. Homestretch. Hi! The End of the season is near. And look at the standings. Unfortunately, we have already had a champion: Anthony Ventura. His breakaway is more than 100 points, and we have only 4 races with maximum 100 points for 4 wins. My congratulations to ...
den 2013-04-17 12:54:45 af Nightwolf13 - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 3.67)
Italiano Next Gen Don't look at old driver, they've gone :D We are the Next Gen, MRC is ours :) Good luck for the next season ;)
den 2013-04-17 12:41:53 af Hakudoshi - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 1.85)
Slovenčina I napriek skvelému víťazstvu pesimizmus! RIGA- Už dlhší čas sa venujeme vychádzajúcej hviezde Sergejovi Gregušovi, sledujeme jeho cestu na vrchol za hranicami našej krajiny, v ďalekom Lotyšsku. V posledných pretekoch práve v širšom okolí hlavného mesta Riga sa neskutočne zaskvel práve náš j...
den 2013-04-16 13:32:35 af Formulak - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 6.33)
English Delight for Hunt as he breaks his top step duck! The latest race meeting of the F3 American Series at Waktins Glen saw a dominating performance by Ryan Hunt as he clinched a clean sweep, pole, fastest lap & for the first ever time a chance to step onto the highest level of the podium. This o...
den 2013-04-15 15:10:10 af MightyMoose - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 2.82)
English Early party for great struggle Still 2 weeks from being over, F2 Europe Series has already a winner. With 306 points (125 points ahead of the second place), Franco Pereira is the fastest driver of Formula 2 in Europe. Franco: "It's been a hard road to ride, but we made i...
den 2013-04-14 20:30:04 af blazefp - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.61)
Русский ХРОНО. Выпуск 3 Formula 2 Asia Series. Позади 14 из 20 гонок. Гла... героем сегодняшнего выпуска является Valeri Zubko. Кроме того, мы вспомним, что произошло в Индии и Сингапуре. ... на трассе Буддх завоевал Bandera. Однако в гонке уже на первом круге его обошел G...
den 2013-04-13 14:28:01 af kirix019 - Likes: 9 | Rancering: 11.71)
English Yamanaka proves that she's legit at Motegi After two disastrous races, Rookie 22 year old driver Yamanaka finally showed the world that she deserves her spot in the international racing scene. She started at the 26th spot and managed to finish the race at the 10 position. Unlike her previ...
den 2013-04-12 16:42:39 af squaregatescrub - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.50)
English What a race! What a battle the final beach cup race was! Competition between Lakka and Dlask was sensational, but finally fourth position was enough for Lakka to win the championship title. When asked from Lakka about his feelings and what he´s going to do nex...
den 2013-04-11 20:30:45 af jonne2 - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 1.13)
1 ... 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 ... 840