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English F1 season 17 As the grid is taking it's shape, let's take a look who will drive where in season 17: Red Bull Racing Vaillante F1 TBA TBA Mercedes AMG F1 Paolo Grandi (ITA) Stanislaw Bum (POL) Odissea Martini Racing Alex Botta (ITA) Jose Pedro Lamy ...
den 2015-12-23 13:41:06 af Darac - Likes: 11 | Rancering: 18.32)
Español Su Carrera Comienza "Haora" A través de estos días el piloto Joaquin Chiquito a conseguido unas excelentes victorias para su crecimiento personal y profesional, su país le da su apoyo, y sigue entrenando dia a dia para estar entre los mas Grande y llevar muy en alto el nombre d...
den 2015-12-23 13:22:28 af JoaquinAlbertoArocha - Likes: 0 | Rancering: 0.00)
English Introducing Alfred Fairfax There is a new driver on the grid who goes by the name of Alfred Fairfax. The third son of a Scottish aristocrat, he is a champion at karting and has set numerous lap records (although they were admittedly on tracks owned by his parents). However...
den 2015-12-23 12:37:08 af francopell - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 3.91)
Čeština Lukin pokračuje v kariéře Český veterán Lukin Kadeřábek se už chystal do důchodu, ale dva dny před plánovaných odchodem přiletěla jeho manažerovi na stůl zajímavá nabídka z vedení týmu Audi Motorsport na sedačku v F1 na příští sezónu. Kadeřábek se po krátkém jednání se svým m...
den 2015-12-23 12:30:57 af Lukin22 - Likes: 12 | Rancering: 18.94)
English Fueled by A great Team Things are getting better for Driver Ariff Aidi in his Formula 3 career as he finished his second race on the podium. With sponsors starting to line up for him, it looks like he is destined for greater success to come.
den 2015-12-23 12:01:15 af AriffAidi - Likes: 0 | Rancering: 0.00)
Français Rêve ou Réalité ? La voiture est superbe, Bravo ! Maintenant il faut juste trouver 20 € pour acheter la superlicence ou attendre le Père Noël car je ne vois pas cette voiture dans le Team Wygo alignée en Nascar mais celle ci-dessous, si l'image passe ...
den 2015-12-23 10:58:09 af PouretteF1 - Likes: 5 | Rancering: 8.27)
Čeština Výsledky poháru národů sezona 16. - pátý týden Přísahal bych, že jsem to včera postnul... Tak jenom krátce: Kvalifik... Charvec 1. Břetislav Zatáčka 8. Honza Drápalík 7. Jan Pabouček 10. U21 Stanislav Smutný 4. Sabča Krejčí 3. Krátké závody: Libor Charvec 1. Břeti...
den 2015-12-23 09:43:06 af wandaL - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 9.38)
English New American Young Gun Kathy Cruz is just 8 days into her young career. In this time she has turned 152 starts into 70 wins, 90 Top 3's, 93 Top 5's, and 97 Top 10's. She says she hopes to race in the NASCAR series as her and her husband love the sport and Dale Earnhardt Jr...
den 2015-12-23 07:01:15 af crazymanatuca - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.72)
English Α hopeful start. No 32 in Greece after 23 races. I think is a very hopeful start. My great target is only the No 1. We keep racing.......
den 2015-12-22 19:57:44 af DonnQuijote - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 3.64)
Italiano Rookie Series, il punto della situazione Arrivati ormai al giro di boa di questa stagione, le Rookie Series, uno dei campionati guardati con maggior interesse nell'universo mondiale delle corse, sembrano aver preso una linea ben precisa. Mattatore del campionato è infatti il portoghese Tiag...
den 2015-12-22 18:30:59 af PifferaioMagico - Likes: 7 | Rancering: 10.43)
Français Le Wygo Racing dévoile sa première livrée en Nascar C’est à l’occasion de la seconde venue de la saison à Daytona que le Wygo Racing a dévoilé la nouvelle décoration de sa Chevrolet. Une « Chevy » qui a permis à Arnaud Briand d’effectuer jusqu’à présent des débuts réussis en Nascar, au point qu’il...
den 2015-12-21 19:27:59 af BELIA - Likes: 21 | Rancering: 31.44)
English GREAT PRESS REALEASE great press release FALONSO14 Wish You gonna get the best
den 2015-12-21 14:35:49 af yael311069 - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 2.15)
Italiano Italiani... alle Corse! (risultati metà stagione) Eccoci qui a tirare le somme a metà stagione per vedere come stanno andando i piloti del Bel Paese nella stagione numero #16. Cominciamo con la massima serie la F1 5 italiani al via ai quali purtroppo non ha girato benissimo fino ad oggi. A secco...
den 2015-12-21 14:29:53 af KrovatarGERO - Likes: 16 | Rancering: 26.82)
English Rocco Rapido After 35 Days In This Season And How Successful He Is Its Going And Getting Better And Better Day By Day. It's Already The 6th week of the 16th season and Rocco Rapido Have got 192 poles in qualifying and 208 Race Wins and it should be better than this in about Some Weeks And we hope Rocco Rapi...
den 2015-12-21 13:58:08 af FALONSO14 - Likes: 9 | Rancering: 12.00)
Hrvatski Hrvati nakon 5. tjedna 16 sezone Nakon 5. tjedna hrvatskog prvenstva Trputec je imao dva odustajanja u petak zbog problema sa ovjesom,a u nedelju zbog kvara motora i u ukupnom poretku je pao sa 2. na 3. mjesto. Kestusis solidan 9. i 5. mjesto u ukupnom poretku pao sa 3. na 4.mjesto....
den 2015-12-21 12:31:26 af daniel00cro - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 5.72)
1 ... 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 ... 851