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English Helm Retires Sebastian Helm, 26, has announced his departure from Chris Hancox's racing team and from the world of racing. Following several successful seasons, including finishing 2nd to Jonas Gudas in British F3, Helm is looking for a new challenge outside of m...
den 2016-06-26 22:31:32 af ChrisHancox - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 6.99)
English S19 F1 Driver Lineup Jordan 1.Damon Michael Novikov (RUS) 2.Bretislav Zatacka (CZE) McLaren 3.Rocco Rapido (SWI) 4.Guido Di Rado (ITA) Red Bull 5.Romain Louis Grosjean Jr (FRA) 6.Alexandre De Montferrand (FRA) Williams 7.Sandor Torghelle (HUN) 8.Peter Rychly...
den 2016-06-26 20:46:43 af PanagiotisMazarakis - Likes: 11 | Rancering: 19.03)
Čeština Pojďme pomoci FERRARI!!! Jak jistě víte, Česko a Slovensko má v F1 dva týmy. Tedy Jordan ovládaný Českem a Ferrari ovládaný Slovenskem. Možná jste si všimli, že za jeden z těchto týmu jezdí nový šampion F1 Damon Michael Novikov, to je tým Jordán. Ale co tým Ferrari? J...
den 2016-06-26 18:53:31 af Luclys - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 9.62)
Español Llamp vuelve a la carga con un nuevo y joven talento El ya veterano mánager Llamp, después de unas temporadas sabáticas, mejor dicho para estudiar, vuelve al mundo del motor, retirando a su anterior piloto Neil Watts, que no se sentía suficientemente motivado. En su lugar, tenemos al jovenzísimo piloto...
den 2016-06-26 17:08:45 af llamp - Likes: 8 | Rancering: 12.28)
Suomi Monta syytä hymyillä Suomalaiskuski Valtteri Sinisalolla ja hänen managerillaan on tänään hyvä syy hymyillä. Kausisarjan mestaruus on nimittäin vihdoinkin saavutettu. Ykköstila napattiin F2 Asia-sarjasta. &q... tämä aika upea fiilis, kun vihdoin voittaa mestaruuden. P...
den 2016-06-26 16:52:26 af FinnishGuy - Likes: 8 | Rancering: 14.76)
Français Lucas de Saint-Germain décroche la seconde place en Arabic Series Lucas, le jeune fils de notre quintuple champion du monde de Formule 1, Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr, réussit l'exploit de décrocher la seconde place en Arabic Series. Plus jeune pilote engagé dans la série, il a su tenir tête à des pilotes bien p...
den 2016-06-26 12:35:15 af JordanF1 - Likes: 8 | Rancering: 14.87)
English Grapefruit International Tour (GIT) Results Wow, what a series!! The Grapefruit International Tour was a fun packed and close event for so many drivers and teams. Good job to everyone involved. 1st. R Nebesky Jr. with 419 points 2nd. P Pan Jr. with 416 points. 3rd. B Zatacka with 414 ...
den 2016-06-26 05:01:53 af LoyalW - Likes: 5 | Rancering: 8.59)
English Bauer moves on from F2 The soon to be 24 year old American has announced he will run in the WTCS for the HamrHedZ F1 team Touring Car Division. "I'm excited for a new chapter, it'll be my first time out of open wheel cars so it should be a fantastic challenge!"...
den 2016-06-25 15:47:30 af ambauer88 - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 6.91)
English HamrHedZ Announces S19 Pilots HamrHedZ are pleased to announce today that Vitaliy Romadov will be returning to the team for another season, and that joining him will be the famous Dominik Dan of Slovakia! HamrHedZ is grateful to these two fantastic and experienced drivers for ...
den 2016-06-25 15:35:55 af ambauer88 - Likes: 17 | Rancering: 29.84)
Italiano [AGGIORNAMENTO] Ultimi iscritti Iscritto anche l'Italiano Alonso che così porta la Serie a 6 "nostrani" partecipanti!
den 2016-06-24 21:14:46 af RossanoArtuso - Likes: 0 | Rancering: 0.00)
English Darrel Baker Racing going stock with DR and Darrel running for president of a racing series Darrel Baker will be racing for his brother in the sprint cup to make that racing team associated with Darrel Baker Racing but the money will help Andrew Wilson Be successful with the money Darrel Baker has been Getting in all careers including his o...
den 2016-06-24 07:44:12 af DarrelBaker - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.61)
Italiano Al via dal 24 Giugno al 3 Luglio la Serie Privata di fine stagione U-18 per le nuove leve Ormai ci siamo...alle ore 9,00 del 24 Giugno 2016 scatterà nel circuito Francese di Paul Ricard l'U-18 New Recruits End of Season, la prima Serie Privata organizzata dal manager di Alessio Lorandi Artuso. Artuso commenta così la sua scelta di ...
den 2016-06-24 02:11:05 af RossanoArtuso - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.33)
Italiano Campionato Italiano: Piceno Racing Team Notizia recente è che la stagione 19 vedrà dare al via il primo Campionato Italiano che unifica le categorie Assoluto ed Under21. L'esperimento, portato avanti dal presidente dell'associazione motorsport italiana, vedrà il coinvolgimento dei piloti p...
den 2016-06-23 21:59:02 af PifferaioMagico - Likes: 7 | Rancering: 11.43)
Deutsch Sehr gute Arbeit Das Team Reiche Wünscht Trabant viel erfolg und hofft auf gute erfolge in der kommenden Saison.
den 2016-06-23 16:23:50 af GerdReiche - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 2.21)
Hrvatski S18 SR Prvenstvo Hrvatske konačni rezultati Došao je kraj još jednog Single Race Prvenstva Hrvatske kroz sezonu nastupilo je 12 vozača, najviše u jednoj utrci nas je sudjelovalo 11,a najmanje 4. Čestitke Peri Ševiću na osvajanju prvenstva, pobijedio je u 8 od 10 utrka 1 nije završio i u 1 nij...
den 2016-06-23 14:49:45 af daniel00cro - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 10.41)
1 ... 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 ... 841