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Français Williams choisit Briand et Mihaylov pour la saison prochaine ! Après une campagne historique la saison précédente, qui s’est achevée avec le meilleur classement obtenu par Williams dans le championnat du monde des constructeurs (3e), et alors que ce nouvel exercice tarde à porter ses fruits, l’équipe finlandaise...
den 2017-06-04 18:18:00 af BELIA - Likes: 9 | Rancering: 15.81)
Čeština LeMans! GRATULUJI k TITULU...Jste borci. Odjet 24 hodin ve 4 lidech.
den 2017-06-04 16:06:49 af BobekCZ - Likes: 0 | Rancering: 0.00)
Français Retour de la Benelux Cup Bonjour à tous, C'est avec un grand plaisir, que je vous annonce le retour de la Benelux Cup ouverte à tous. La coupe débutera au Luxembourg sur le circuit de Colmarberg, pour ensuite se rendre dans les dunes de Zandvoort. Nous rejoindrons la Belgi...
den 2017-06-04 15:12:52 af RaphaëlUgeux - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 10.44)
Slovenščina Kljub odstopoma Ožbolt zakovoljen s formo Znova je čas, da malce pogledamo čez lužo in preverimo kako uspešno tam nastopa slovenski dirkač Anže Ožbolt. V uvodnih šestih dirkah je Ožbolt zbral 172 točk, kar ga trenutno uvršča na 4. mesto v skupnem seštevku. Bera točk bi bila lahko kar prec...
den 2017-06-04 10:39:14 af toxic - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 7.29)
English EU thanks Thanks mate, tough field but actually learnt a few things along the way great series would join again. :)
den 2017-06-03 23:01:49 af breNdzz - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.31)
English 1st EU RANDOM.ORG Championship - summary I want to thank everyone who participate in my 1st private championship "1st EU RANDOM.ORG Championship". We filled in all slots, so races were pretty close. After 10 races and 1652 km I'm glad to congratulate Sergey Kalinin for winning com...
den 2017-06-03 17:59:26 af Daktyl95 - Likes: 8 | Rancering: 12.47)
Čeština TeamRGPL jede o dva tituly během 24 hodin LeMans! Dnes máme poslední závod Virtual Endurance Championship Season 9 (2016/2017) a to 24 hodin LeMans! Do závodu nastupujeme tradičně se dvěma vozy a oba mají odlišné úkoly! Ze čtvrtého místa startuje LMP1 #20 Audi s posádkou David Beránek, Zdeněk Š...
den 2017-06-03 14:18:18 af zsmarda - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.38)
Nederlands Albert Jr. neemt 3e plaats Zandvoort Albert Jr. heeft 3e plaats genomen in de Zandvoort race in de F3 Dutch Series. Hij is er blij mee, zegende dat hij klaar is om er weer een ronde voor te gaan. We wachten met spanning voor wat er in het volgende race zal gebeuren.
den 2017-06-02 19:15:00 af AlbertJrZwueste - Likes: 0 | Rancering: 0.00)
Čeština Výsledky ankety nejlepší jezdec S22 Před týdnem vyšla anketa nejlepší jezdec sezóny S22 a to ve dvou kategoriích. Kategorie Senior a junior (21 let). Nejprve si připomeňme kdo byl nominován. Senio... R.Wolf (F1) 2. R.Nebeský jr. (F1) 3. B.Zatáčka (Indycar) 4. J.Kadeřábek jr. (In...
den 2017-06-02 11:39:01 af Ludwei - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 10.56)
Português, Brasil DECISÃO OFICIAL SOBRE A 4ª ETAPA DO CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO Antes de começar, eu gostaria de mais uma vez pedir desculpas a todos os participantes do campeonato, tanto aos que concordam quanto aos que não concordam com a decisão abaixo. Esse é o primeiro campeonato de Single Races que organizo sozinho, já ...
den 2017-06-01 20:44:06 af jeansapia - Likes: 9 | Rancering: 15.94)
English 18 and 19 year olds World Championship This triple series...Free... 60 Races 30 tracks. 7 coins to each part champ. 3 coins to each runner-up. And a 50 coin overall champion bonus. Private message me I want to fill all 3 series with the same 43 drivers. Get a feel for Nasc Gold Cup ...
den 2017-06-01 20:19:50 af BradleyBundy - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 4.15)
English Atrumins to stay with Porsche Artis Atrumins and Porsche Racing signed a deal for season 24. Atrumins will stay with the team for 3rd conssecutive year. Team had nothing to think about before signing a contract. Artis showed great performances in season 22 already, and is contin...
den 2017-06-01 15:00:47 af Darac - Likes: 10 | Rancering: 18.78)
English The state of season series as of this season I am quite troubled by the state of season series this season.. Last season I heard mumbling from some of our younger managers about losing ratings .. But like most I thought they was talking about retired drivers.. Being always in full series I nev...
den 2017-06-01 03:14:29 af TerryWilson - Likes: 7 | Rancering: 12.51)
Português, Brasil [Brasileirão] Campeonato suspenso Replicando aqui o que foi postado no Forum: "Pessoal, como a minha organização tá mais desorganizada que a CART, vou suspender o campeonato pelo menos até a semana que vem pra me organizar melhor, não prejudicar mais ninguém e avaliar se vale...
den 2017-05-31 19:56:23 af jeansapia - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 9.26)
Español La galería de diseños de JordiMontané Hola! Algunos ya me conocéis del foro español. Simplemente quería escribir este comunicado para enseñaros mi Galería de diseños, donde aparecen todos los diseños para cascos, monos y coches que he realizado para mí y otros mánagers en MRC. Si ...
den 2017-05-31 16:58:24 af JordiMontané - Likes: 5 | Rancering: 7.46)
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