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Português, Brasil [BR17] Classificação após 14/20 corridas: Pilotos: 1º #7 Bruno Correa, 221 pontos 2º #9 Luiz Thomazini, 219 pontos 3º #16 Asdrubal Pinto, 218 pontos 4º #3 Ricardo Medinha Conessa, 213 pontos 5º #1 Rafael Drummond, 209 pontos 6º #11 Gideon Rosa, 193 pontos 6º #14 Roger Relâmpago, 193...
den 2019-05-27 15:20:17 af jeansapia - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.94)
Nederlands ETCS Monza Race 2 en 3 zijn voor Raymond van de Pol een groot succes geworden. in de tweede race reed hij knap naar de 3e plaats. Race drie was helemaal mooi. Hij lag enkele ronden op kop en werd uiteindelijk 2e
den 2019-05-26 22:19:58 af Pollie - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.44)
English Crazy Canuck: Down under S5 U25 Come join the fun! We are racing Down under! All drivers under 25 welcome! 2 practice sessions, 2 races per track! This is an experiment with a short 4 tracks circuit. This will allow drivers to push hard and win some experience and some...
den 2019-05-26 02:32:53 af WilieEthelbertCoyote - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.71)
English Crazy Canuck: Two Lane Blacktop S5 U25 Come join the fun! We are racing across the US of A! All drivers under 25 welcome! 2 practice sessions, 2 races per track! This is an experiment with a short 4 tracks circuit. This will allow drivers to push hard and win some experienc...
den 2019-05-26 02:17:46 af WilieEthelbertCoyote - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.94)
English Tribute To Niki Lauda, Forever A Legend As many of you may know, a great Formula One legend has recently passed away. His name, was Niki Lauda. He is often remembered for his fiery crash in Germany 1976. However, his life had much more notable facts and memories that were not only action f...
den 2019-05-24 05:37:56 af thelegend54 - Likes: 18 | Rancering: 30.69)
Nederlands ETCS Monza De eerste race op Monza was een spectaculaire voor Raymond van de Pol. Na een sterke kwalificatie mocht hij van de derde startplaats vertrekken. Vanaf de eerste ronde raakte hij in gevecht met Marko Zupancic . Soms werd er wel 3 keer in een ronde i...
den 2019-05-24 00:05:44 af Pollie - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 2.83)
English Crazy Canuck From Russia with Love S5 U25 Come race with us in Russia! All drivers under 25 years old are welcome. It is a quick serie this time 5 circuits with two races each! https://w... you in the pits. WEC R.I.P. Niki Lauda
den 2019-05-23 21:52:08 af WilieEthelbertCoyote - Likes: 0 | Rancering: 0.00)
English Crazy Canucks, La dolce Vita S5 U25 Come race with us in Italy! All drivers under 25 years old are welcome. It is a quick serie this time 5 circuits with two races each! https://w... See you in the pits. WEC R.I.P. Niki Lauda
den 2019-05-23 21:50:45 af WilieEthelbertCoyote - Likes: 0 | Rancering: 0.00)
Nederlands Kan Boris dit seizoen nog wat goedmaken? Boris van der Star is niet tevreden over zijn prestaties in de Finse serie. Het team draait op dit moment niet lekker en dat zie je ook in de resultaten terug. Boris kampt deze serie met meerdere uitvallen door mechanische pech. Dat heeft hem al veel...
den 2019-05-23 10:08:55 af wollie999 - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 6.33)
Español ruedas gastadas Todos tenemos la costumbre de poner ruedas nuevas en la calificación, pero ¿es lo mejor? Yo diría que sí y está claro que unas ruedas muy gastadas son un handicap enorme. Pero viendo la cantidad de veces que la segunda vuelta es mejor que la primera ...
den 2019-05-22 16:51:09 af radekdeboktor - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 5.90)
English Driver Brady Addresses Lull In Recent Performances, Announces Season 32 Plans After yet another mediocre qualifying run at Indianapolis Motor Speedway resulted in a 30th place starting position for the upcoming Gold Cup Series Race, driver Brad Brady took a moment from his schedule to speak with the press. When asked abou...
den 2019-05-21 21:48:35 af BlueMan1 - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 5.75)
Slovenščina Ožbolt razočaran nad potekom sezone V svetovnem prvenstvu turnih avtomobilov Slovencem to sezono ne kaže najbolje. Anže Ožbolt se trenutno nahaja na 6. mestu, Dare Atelšek pa na 8. mestu, zato sta oba dirkača razočarana nad potekom sezone. Do konca sezone sicer ostaja še devet dirk, vs...
den 2019-05-21 19:48:22 af toxic - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 7.56)
Čeština Pohár národů S32 7.týden "zhroucený prezident" Ano přátelé. Oznamuji vám můj kolaps co můj svěřenec odstoupil z krásného pátého místa, pár kol před koncem. Už ani ty nejlepší whiskey nepomáhají utišit bolest a zármutek, jak našemu týmu se letos většinou nedaří a když už daří, tak něco nás posílá ...
den 2019-05-21 19:26:45 af Ludwei - Likes: 7 | Rancering: 13.26)
English Daneil Riccardo and Kevinharvick412's press confrence from sunday night On sunday night's press confrence Daneil Riccardo announced he would be racing the NASC seires next season, heres what his crew cheif had to say. "we sucked this year, Daneil is a young driver with talent he doesnt know how to use yet, and who ...
den 2019-05-21 15:51:07 af Kevinarvick412 - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.85)
English New tyre rules In general I agree with you and also with Wokinger - tyres for practice shouldn't be limited. But if we are talking about 13 sets for weekend, great addition would be to choose how much sets of each compound driver would have - as in real F1. 1 se...
den 2019-05-21 09:08:33 af Darac - Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.94)
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