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Čeština Poháru národů S39 8. týden - Výhra následovaná spoustou smůly Zdravím těch pár statečných, co stále čte mé reporty :D Doufám, že už mě nechcete za to zpoždění, ale můžu vás potěšit tím, že se dneska podíváme na 8. týden závodů z A1, takže bez dalšího otálení pojďme na to. Laduška odstartovala v Ženevě tento ...
den 2020-12-03 18:58:59 af Koruzi - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 5.59)
Русский Парадокс российских гонок Я заметил тенденцию уменьшения количества российских гоночных серий в нашей любимой игре. Я пришел сюда в октябре 2018, и много (вполне) увидел. Да, конечно есть много игроков, которые в 100 раз олдовее, олдистее, называйте как хотите. Но не об этом ...
den 2020-12-03 16:16:03 af Danilaf1 - Likes: 8 | Rancering: 9.98)
English MRC S39 Week 9-10 Recap The Recap Series make another return for the last time this season, this time, we will only mention F1 and Indycar, but do not worry! There will be another press release soon before the season ends with more in-depth look at the F1 driver market for ...
den 2020-12-03 11:50:36 af Jerryinroblox - Likes: 9 | Rancering: 14.85)
Español Balance de la temporada de Marcial de Penouta Esta tarde hemos charlado con Marcial de Penouta, hemos tratado de hacer balance a su temporada y como encara la próxima. Periodista: Buenas tardes Marcial, ¿qué balance haces de tu temporada? Marcial: Buenas, mira, primero trataré de responderte...
den 2020-12-02 23:09:50 af JuankiAlonsoMendez - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 5.54)
English MRC will MIss you Felson is retireing and that makes me sad. Problay makes others sad to. He has been in the game for a long time. I wish him luck in his life after MRC. All of MRC will miss you Felson.
den 2020-12-02 22:07:12 af kman901 - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 3.54)
Português, Brasil Nasce uma equipe Brasileira de F1 - seja bem vinda Lotus Formula One Team Depois de tempo de busca e espera chegou o momento, a equipe brasileira de F1 finalmente existe. A Lotus chega para integrar ainda mais a comunidade brasileira do MRC e já nasce com um imenso desafio. Sair do fundo do poço e chegar ao topo! A exti...
den 2020-12-02 13:40:03 af DiogoSchwinn - Likes: 9 | Rancering: 15.51)
Magyar Bye-bye F1, helló M1! Három évadot töltöttem a Forma-1-ben, és mondhatni, minden percét élveztem. Na jó, nem épp az összest, mert (újoncként, teljesen ismeretlen területen) követtem pár bakit például gumiválasztásnál vagy a stratégia felépítésénél, de tényleg ritkán. 28 ...
den 2020-12-02 12:46:58 af Verdike - Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.82)
English McLaren Celebrates Formula 1 Double Another Formula 1 season has come to a close and what a great season it was for McLaren. Michael Damon Novikov was absolutely brilliant in the second half of the season winning seven out of ten races and achieving podiums in the other three. Ther...
den 2020-12-02 11:31:22 af MrMonaco - Likes: 17 | Rancering: 30.11)
English Season 40 F1 Grid Set! Can Novikov Do It Again? No doubt that the 31st season of the F1 MRC series will be full of unknowns. The biggest question floating around is Will Michael Damon Novikov get his 4th championship in a row? Which hasn't been done since season 14 when Philippe de Saint-Germain J...
den 2020-12-02 00:00:50 af BobbyFraser - Likes: 12 | Rancering: 18.71)
Català felson es retira d'MRC Escric aquesta nota per a anunciarvos la meva retirada com a mànager a MRC. Després de més de 5 anys i 26 temporades és moment de canviar d'aires. He tingut l'ocasió de conèixer i compartir MRC amb grans managers, no dic noms per no deixar a ningú en...
den 2020-12-01 17:25:20 af felson - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 5.77)
English felson retirement from MRC I am writing this words to announce that I am retiring as manager at MRC. After more than 5 years and 26 seasons, it is time to change and look somewhere else, as I did before with this type of games. I have had the opportunity to meet and share the ...
den 2020-12-01 17:21:45 af felson - Likes: 20 | Rancering: 34.70)
Español felson se retira de MRC Escribo esta nota para anunciar mi retirada como manager en MRC. Después de más de 5 años y 26 temporadas es momento de cambiar de aires. He tenido la ocasión de conocer y compartir el juego con grandes managers, no digo nombres por no dejarme a nadi...
den 2020-12-01 17:19:00 af felson - Likes: 12 | Rancering: 20.39)
English Good Luck Out There! Allow me to be the first to wish Windsor Alliance Racing all the good fortune they deserve in their new guise! I had scarcely realised it had been so long since my friend and I co-founded the team on that hectic day of auctions all those years ago! O...
den 2020-12-01 16:34:46 af Adamski - Likes: 8 | Rancering: 13.72)
Português A WAR ALTERA A SUA MARCA A equipa Windsor Alliance Racing decidiu alterar a sua marca. Porquê? ... decidimos que faz sentido do ponto de vista do marketing alterar a marca da equipa. Passaram-se 30 épocas como Windsor Alliance Racing, e nós estamos muito orgulhosos disso...
den 2020-12-01 16:25:08 af Tigerman - Likes: 10 | Rancering: 17.42)
English WAR IS REBRANDING The Windsor Alliance Racing team has decided to do a rebrand. Why? Because we decided it makes sense from a marketing point of view to change the team brand. It’s been 30 seasons as Windsor Alliance Racing, and we are very proud of that, a team ...
den 2020-12-01 15:51:53 af Tigerman - Likes: 11 | Rancering: 18.65)
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