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Pressemeddelelser - INDY´s Kenny Wirdheim moving up or down for S36?

INDY´s Kenny Wirdheim moving up or down for S36?

S35 INDY is completed.Dexter Morgan won with Kamil Speedowski JR in 2nd position, However in a SOLID 3rd position we find a ROOKIE!. Kenny Wirdheim in his first INDY season managed with ease 3rd position beating several more experienced drivers with very consistant scoring throughout the seasons length.With a highlight Win at Gateway, Two 2nd positions at Indianapolis Setting also a new Qual record @ Road America. What´s in future for you Kenny?

- "Well it´s no secret i am looking for an F1 contract of course, i am unsure if it happens for S36, but by S37 it MUST happen!"

- Do you have any offers so far?

- Stop!, Hi i am Kenny´s manager Håkan Ferm, We are not talking about if and maybe here, Questions about the future and contracts will be handled by ME, and we will not get into rumours or fake news. Any serious F1 team willing to give Kenny a contract should contact me and then and ONLY when signed we will let you all know about it. This interview is now over, We have some beers that need to be emptied, Bye!

den 2020-01-26 21:48:25 af HåkanFerm
Likes: 6 | Rancering: 9.19

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