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Pressemeddelelser - Life Begins at 40

Life Begins at 40

At least that's what people say. It's certainly proven to be true for ex-Ford F1 driver and NASC Gold Cup winner Jackson Storm, who two days before his 41st Birthday tied up the British F3 Series for himself after some stiff competition from fellow Brits Dave Hamilton and Kyle Peters.

Storm has amassed quite the trophy case over the years with series wins in F2, V8-Supercars, NASC Gold Cup and now F3. He is also realtively well off, his personal fortune sitting well above 20 million Euros. But despite all this Storm aparently has no plans to retire, saying recently in a press conference

"Retire? Why? When I'm still having so much fun!"

Storm is of course still heavily involved in the development of Ford F1 and also supplies a number of staff to the team. It's also long been rumored that he not only advises but secretly tests their cars. Whatever the reality Storm's career seems not to be going to end any time soon.

den 2019-11-11 03:52:01 af Wresdan
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