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Pressemeddelelser - We need a Feeder series to F2 World

We need a Feeder series to F2 World

I been looking back thinking of older series.. The F2 series and we really need at least 1 maybe 2 F2 series just added. Not taking anything away from what has been created. My Ideas are F2 medeterain F2 Colonies featuring all nations that was colonies at onetime.. If Colonies series would be a natural f2 Empire series featuring nations that Colonized other future nations.. F2 racing seems to have gotton lost over the creation of new series. It great racing that should be preserved with a Feeder to F2 world cup.


den 2019-07-24 11:53:09 af TerryWilson
Likes: 12 | Rancering: 21.01
Reaktioner til pressemeddelse

Yes and kick out ye old bastards from F2-F3 series

den 2019-08-05 03:56:59 af HåkanFerm - Likes: 15 | Score: 21.508

I totally Second this but for another reason. Ranking series There is nothing in between ranking 1.00 - 1.5/1.6 series with 1-2 more F2 series were we could put ranking at 1.2 - 1.3 i am sure several up and coming drivers would love to have a seri...

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