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Pressemeddelelser - Sad to say this

Sad to say this

I am sorry to say this, but I asked some time before about this to DebiK (on February) and the response was this:

This were the only news about that from him. I would also wanted it, as I would like to have more team management series on the game, but I think that it won't be possible... :(

den 2018-07-24 12:16:32 af nicorz
Likes: 5 | Rancering: 9.48
Dette er en raktion til følgende pressemeddelse:

Sometimes there is a chance to find a leak... :)

den 2018-07-23 16:40:37 af olilongi777 - Likes: 10 | Score: 16.755

Did someone saw this? Its nice to find something like this randomly :) You know all the screaming because of track records of Volak, and here you go - you will find something what is prepared for next season/s. Just to show its not just...

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