Pressemeddelelser - Informing
I've sent a message to Debik, it shouldn't be that hard to fix as Dawid says. Obviously an unforeseen problem.
I wrote a longer message here:
den 2018-07-12 17:26:10 af JordiMontané
Dette er en raktion til følgende pressemeddelse:
How Long until MRC react to Volak beating all lap records?!.....
den 2018-07-12 02:20:33 af HåkanFerm
Likes: 5
Score: 9.421

Someone wins a paint contest and then destroys the laprecords with A Fer-F1C a car noone else can have and wins any Private Open race with a medioker driver by lapping the best drivers in the game by 9 laps........ MRC - This is Ridicoulus!!!! For y...