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Pressemeddelelser - Better version of the file

Better version of the file

For anyone having difficulty here is the original file and not a copy from the mrc page

For soem reason it won't display here, so just follow ling and do a save as to get it

den 2016-12-15 09:58:23 af Wresdan
Likes: 2 | Rancering: 3.73
Dette er en raktion til følgende pressemeddelse:

Ford releases first Fan Livery

den 2016-12-13 07:15:02 af Wresdan - Likes: 8 | Score: 12.091

For those of you who race in F3 with the Mygale chassis Ford have created a fan livery based on their inaugural season F1 livery. Fans should feel free to use the livery and add their own numbers and driver names as they wish. Enjoy!

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