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Pressemeddelelser - New F3 Scandinavian Series

New F3 Scandinavian Series

I am proud to announce that new tracks have been added to the Formula 3 Scandinavian Series for the next season.
This is the result of a fruitful cooperation between the NMA Presidents of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and user NOMI5 from Norway.

Starting next season all events will be on tracks in Scandinavia and Finland only. After the two starting events in Finland and Sweden the series goes into double meetings in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

Some tracks are newly added to MRC and will be part of a season series for the first time - Falkenberg, Copenhagen, just to mention two. But there are still some of the old ones such as the challenging Arctic Circle and the great season finale in the streets of Helsinki.

Come and let your engines roar on the tracks of Northern Europe!

den 2015-05-31 09:47:57 af darkwater
Likes: 7 | Rancering: 10.63

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