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Pressemeddelelser - Dubai and Nurburgring Update

Dubai and Nurburgring Update

Peters managed another podium finish in the second Dubai rookie race, although he was disappointed to end up in third after losing the fight for second with Losi with three turns to go on the final lap and coming in only 0.2 seconds behind at the chequered flag. While there were plenty of exciting fights between the podium contenders, Koush drove a very strong race after taking the lead on the 4th lap to win by almost 20 seconds.

Peters expressed satisfaction with his 7th place finish in the second F3 GP XXI event at the Nurburgring - again, this race saw by some tight wheel-to-wheel racing between Peters and Leonid Karpov over laps 3 to 5, which eventually saw Karpov break clear, and with Pedro Lamy on laps 34/35, where after some excitement Peters eventually prevailed. The entire Blue Goat Racing team were thrilled at the resulting six championship points.

den 2014-04-13 05:50:09 af RintoHolden
Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.66
Dette er en raktion til følgende pressemeddelse:

Mixed results for Peters at the Nurburgring

den 2014-04-12 01:30:18 af RintoHolden - Likes: 1 | Score: 1.661

Hot on the heels of his second place at the Dubai rookie race, yesterday's outing in two seperate events at the Nurburgring had mixed outcomes for Australian youngster Steve Peters. Forced to drop out of the 31 lap stand-alone race on the third lap ...

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