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Pressemeddelelser - Who is the most Improved F1 team?

Who is the most Improved F1 team?

Miami Biggest news story was the winner of the race on the last lap. Nor was it red Bull taking 1 and 2 in qualifications. It was about the team Rated dead last at the star6t of the season. The 15th place team Tarufi of Italy got a podium. That makes the team 6th in constructors series! Going for 6th overall from the 15th place team in rating!

Best part pf all this Chevy did Not hard tank to make it's engine. It was done with making the most of it meager resources! It is a triumph of excellent management. But Also of the excellence of it's drivers and Our new Hero at Chevy Tarufi!

So chevy Fans Cheer! Have fun Party we have Arrived!

den 2025-03-12 20:01:29 af TerryWilson
Likes: 7 | Rancering: 11.33

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