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Pressemeddelelser - What will happen to Arturo now?

What will happen to Arturo now?

Despite having announced that he will be going to F3, Arturo Senna will stay in F4 for multiple choices:
1: User LukeNeroth is Joining F4 in season 60, and Arturo will race side by side with Luke Neroth
2: Arturo got 11th position this season
3: Arturo is going to try to win the cup for this season, and he will not give up until he gets it
4: Arturo feels welcome in F4 and is staying, due to having experience in the tracks.
Thank you for reading, Good Luck to all of you.
Happy racing!
den 2025-02-16 19:58:28 af ArturoN
Likes: 4 | Rancering: 3.36

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