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Pressemeddelelser - Mercedes Final Countdown

Mercedes Final Countdown

The Finnish team's final GP weekend is here, and starting from Monday or Tuesday, the Hungarians will take over the team, with the name officially changing to B15 Team.

For 50 seasons, we have held an F1 team—right from the very first F1 season (Season 9-59)—and it's great that the final season has been this successful. We've scored points in every race with at least one driver, secured race wins this season, taken 5 pole positions, and achieved 6 podium finishes.

A big thank you to Hämäys for leading the team and helping Gardner with setups and strategies this season.

I couldn’t have hoped for a better ending. Thank you all for these seasons, but everything must come to an end at some point. After Sunday, our show comes to a close, and the final credits roll.

den 2025-02-15 14:32:06 af Sir_ErikSalama
Likes: 3 | Rancering: 5.88

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