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Pressemeddelelser - Bella Rythym Moving On

Bella Rythym Moving On

After 4 straight spectacular runs in the NASC Truck Series, Bella has spent some time. Watching others claim victory after victory, watching herself slowly get better as well, and she will be moving up series. Nothing but respect from Bella and the Trucks series as she has came a long way. She made playoffs each of the 4 seasons only not making the Round Of 8 once. After finally claiming her first victory at IRP, she felt it was time to move on. Shes torn between the NASC Silver Series and NASC Gold Series, but a decision has finally been made. She will look for 5 straight seasons to make playoffs as she will head to the Nascar Gold Series. Good luck to future NASC Truck Series drivers, and here we come to the Gold Series.

den 2025-02-14 19:52:45 af Whisper1
Likes: 4 | Rancering: 7.05

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