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Pressemeddelelser - Erik Rosberg´s 6 Season Domination

Erik Rosberg´s 6 Season Domination

Last 6 seasons have been successful for Erik Rosberg

Season 54: Erik Rosberg wins the TCR Europe championship.

Season 55: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship.

Season 56: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship for the second time.

Season 57: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship.

Season 58: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship for the second time

Season 59: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship for the third time in a row

Six races are remaining in the World TCR series, and the lead over competitors is over 166 points, and maximum amount of points what you can still get is 150p

Erik Rosberg has climbed into the top 12 of the world rankings, with a rating exceeding over 5.2k.

This was Rosberg´s last season in World TCR, and now it´s time to do something else.

den 2025-02-03 11:19:45 af Sir_ErikSalama
Likes: 5 | Rancering: 6.56

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