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Pressemeddelelser - Mercedes West Has Been Sold

Mercedes West Has Been Sold

A historic moment in the MyRacingCareer world! The iconic Finnish team, Mercedes West, has been officially sold to a passionate Hungarian community led by Boczzy. The transition of ownership marks a new chapter for the team, which will officially be under Hungarian management starting Day 71 of Season 59.

This is a significant move that showcases the dynamic nature of the MRC universe, where communities come together to build, strategize, and compete at the highest level. Fans of the team can expect fresh ideas and a renewed spirit as Boczzy and his team bring their unique touch to the legendary franchise.

We can’t wait to see what this talented Hungarian team will achieve! Stay tuned for updates as the new era begins.

den 2025-01-20 18:27:59 af Sir_ErikSalama
Likes: 4 | Rancering: 7.82

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