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Nice stats

Good on you to post these :) Definitely something to add in new UI, be sure to tell DebiK in the UI form.

Proud that AmiCat has won 35 races, it has never been easy against you guys :)

den 2023-12-09 20:34:41 af JordiMontané
Likes: 1 | Rancering: 1.96
Dette er en raktion til følgende pressemeddelse:

Racing Club Series Records

den 2023-12-09 00:12:26 af Boczy - Likes: 14 | Score: 26.729

Hey guys! This kind of statistics are not in the game for some reason, so I made these lists by myself. So these are the race winner clubs and list of the drivers and clubs who won the Club Series. Updated at the end of the season 53, please let m...

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