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Pressemeddelelser - There is new alpha in the horde...

There is new alpha in the horde...

Congratulation to Wolfpack for winning the Club Series season. We tried our best, but the last weeks are showed we can't overtake them. They have better car, better drivers, nearly impossible to beat them.

And this is the time, when I need to accept the fact: B15 Racing Club's golden ages are ended. We have all the records (most trophies, most championships, most wins and poles in clubs' and drivers' stats, we are the only club who did defend his title, etc...), but records must be broken.

That's why records exists.

And as I see, Wolfpack will be the club who can break all of our records in the future.

We need to say goodbye some of our best drivers/members and I can't be enough thankful for all the members in B15 Racing ever..
These seasons was my bests in this game, all the work and collecting was totally worth it for these times. I'm very proud what we earned and what we did, to have the best club what everybody wants to beat.

Everything comes after, is a reward and I will enjoy every success what we get in the near and far future.

Thank you boys and girls, good luck for everybody, and keep pushin' B15! ;-)

den 2023-11-23 12:09:43 af Boczy
Likes: 6 | Rancering: 11.45

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