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First, I would like to applaud hwang11 for such a great content. Your power ratings and this interview are a birth of fresh air and something that this game was missing.

However, I would like to point that Sir_ErikSalama, like Fernando Alonso, loves a bit of hyperbole.

I have access to data with car attributes for all teams going all the way back to season 21. In the last 31 seasons, there was only one occasion when Red Bull finished the season with the 3rd fastest car. Every other time, they had the fastest or the second-fastest car.

It was season 38 when all three top teams were very close and who had the fastest car kept changing during the season with every upgrade. At the end Ferrari had the fastest car with McLaren 0,2 points behind and Red Bull another 0,2 behind McLaren.

This season Red Bull is 1,9 points ahead of Porsche and 2,8 points ahead of Toyota, so 0,4 points is basically nothing.

Anyhow, when it comes to seasons 44 and 45 Red Bull had the 2nd fastest car and they were less than one point behind Ferrari in both seasons. Porsche with the third-fastest car was over 1,6 points behind Ferrari in both seasons.

I know that adding maximum speed, acceleration, braking and handling isn't 100% perfect, but teams choose their own chassis focus so it’s the best tool we have if you want to compare cars with different chassis focus.

And that brings us to Linus Torvalds. He was a great driver and I don’t want to diminish his achievements, he is in the Hall of Fame for a reason. However, he wasn't on track to win the Formula 1 title at any point of his career.

In season 45 Torvalds didn’t score points in 4 races. In Imola he was 11th, in France he was 22nd and in Hungary he finished 14th. The last race of the season was the only DNF he had. He was in the 9th place when he had a mechanical, so he lost few points there. In the end, he was 38 points behind Kubica.

Similar hold true for season 44 too. He didn’t score points in 5 races. At Zandvoort he finished 12th, at Red Bull Ring he was 11th when he had a mechanical, at Silverstone he finished 12th and at Suzuka he was 12th again. The only race when he lost points was at Suzuka. He crashed out when in 3rd place. Even if we won that race, the title was out of reach. He finished the season 59 points behind the winner.

I don’t want to discourage hwang11 from making more content like this because I really like it, and I am sure that most if not all MRC members think the same. I just had to correct Sir_ErikSalama’s exaggerations because he does that a lot.

den 2023-06-28 11:37:25 af toxic
Likes: 4 | Rancering: 7.73
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An Interview with Sir_ErikSalama…

den 2023-06-27 18:56:47 af hwang11 - Likes: 14 | Score: 24.936

I’m pretty sure most people know who Sir_ErikSalama is. He has a lot of friends here. If you don’t, then I strongly advise you to friend request him as he is a brilliant person to have on your friend list. Recently, I interviewed him, and here it is…...

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My Mistake

den 2023-06-28 14:33:23 af Sir_ErikSalama - Likes: 4 | Score: 6.875

My Mistake

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