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Pressemeddelelser - Wolfpack Racing Club

Wolfpack Racing Club

No one gets what it means to be a team player quite like a wolf. A wolf pack that doesn’t work together as one is a pack that doesn’t eat, can’t grow, and won’t survive. Wolves will do anything to protect their mates, families, and loved ones, including lay down their own lives. Wolves also understand there’s no place in your life for selfishness when you’re part of a pack. They live by an unwritten code that says the good of the pack comes first.

Wolfpack Racing Club is a group of managers that value loyalty. Like a pack of wolves, we work together toward a common goal - becoming the best racing club in MRC. We also help each other because that makes us stronger as a group and as individuals.

We are looking for new members. You will get a chance to race alongside some of the best managers in MRC and learn from them.

den 2023-04-10 22:52:30 af toxic
Likes: 16 | Rancering: 29.65

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