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With only four challeges how could players with no money to use for the game or time to get coins and other items. I think that they should add some more challeges. I play other games and they have specail seasonal things. I would like to have seasonal challeges that give people liveris and also add more challeges.

den 2020-11-06 21:55:52 af kman901
Likes: 3 | Rancering: 4.81
Reaktioner til pressemeddelse

Regarding "challenges"

den 2020-11-06 22:26:35 af Snyder199 - Likes: 3 | Score: 5.385

If you have the ability, and want to, you can always throw your hat in the ring for the monthly painting challenges. Its a solid way to earn "free" coins. Another way, that while boring- works, is to just log in everyday. I know it seems li...

Reaktioner til pressemeddelse

Ways to get coins

den 2020-11-06 22:25:55 af jcgoble3 - Likes: 8 | Score: 13.099

The challenges are really just a basic tutorial. They aren't meant to be a resource-producing feature. The fact that they give rewards is merely an incentive to actually go through the tutorials. For ways to actually earn coins without paying, tak...

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