MyRacingCareer Nyheder
Season 47 Deadlines and Calendar/Rally Changes
The classic info when the season ends!
English @ 2022-05-22
Design Competition #50
It's the golden anniversary for the Design Competition!
English @ 2022-05-02
2nd Driver Nationalities
The option to change your second driver's nationality has been added to the game. Read more...
English @ 2022-04-26
Design Competition #49
It's time for the monthly fight for coins and a private car!
English @ 2022-04-01
Season 46 Deadlines and Design Competition #48
As usual towards the end of the season, we publish the Season Series Deadlines, together with the results for the Design Competition for February!
English @ 2022-03-04
Letter to Our Russian Friends
Dear Russian friends and also all other managers in this game. Last few days are very tough for me personaly. Not able to stay focused in my job. Not able to stay calm at home. I cried the other night. It is hard to find the right words but I would like to explain some steps and my attitude to the current - very sad situation.
English @ 2022-02-26
Klub nyheder og designudfordring #47
Vi har nogle nye ting til klubber såvel som den månedlige Design Challenge!
Dansk @ 2022-02-02
Trist nyhed i dag. Efter en lang overvejelse besluttede jeg at lukke My Racing Career. Det var en fantastisk tid her i næsten 10 år, men af personlige årsager er det nu tid til at holde op.
Dansk @ 2022-01-05
Design Competition #46
New year, and the traditional fictional F1 design competition is back!
English @ 2022-01-01
NASC forbedringer
Efter en grundig analyse og feedback fra ledere er der foretaget nogle ændringer i NASC-serien.
Dansk @ 2021-12-23