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English BREAKING NEWS: RED BULL RACING UNLEASHES A CHAMPION-POWERED LINEUP FOR MYRACINGCAREER F1 SEASON 60! [URL=https://...][url=https://ibb.co/jPj1ZCRz] BREAKING NEWS: RED BULL RACING UNLEASHES A CHAMPION-POWERED LINEUP FOR MYRACINGCAREER F1 SEASON 60! Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines because Red Bull Racing is ready to shake up the MyRacin...
Dne 2025-02-19 10:10:38 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 3 | Rating: 2.62)
中文 国区车手协会成立啦!另外国家杯急需各路大手子报名参加,诚征国家杯战车外观 在各位国区大手子的帮助下,国区终于成立了车手协会,开放了每周的国家杯赛事。 每周1-3会安排本周赛事出场车手,U21/U25/全年龄各有2场,每场安排1个不同车手,目前国区基本都是U18车手,所以U25... Motorsport Association”这个帖子内回复报名。 注:本周由于协会成立的时候已经周三了所以先直接安排好了,下周的赛事等新赛季赛程出来了我会贴在国区论坛内,到时候请大家踊跃报名。 另,诚征PS大手子提供国家杯战车外观,有意QQ或者游戏内私信我都可 有想要成为秘书长的活跃玩...
Dne 2025-02-19 03:14:13 publikoval manažer ysfyzy - Oblíbeno: 9 | Rating: 5.50)
Italiano Cambiamento di Serie per l'ultima parte di carriera di Minì! [url=https://ibb.co/9HHHQxF8] Rieccoci tornati a parlare di lui...Gabriele Minì, che a quasi 40 anni (in MRC!) a sorpresa ci ha comunicato dopo questa 59^ Stagione di voler cambiare completamente Serie automobilistica per la successiva. Sentiamolo...
Dne 2025-02-18 15:53:46 publikoval manažer RossanoArtuso - Oblíbeno: 8 | Rating: 12.89)
Indonesia Ryan Manggala steps up into F3 International Series Ryan Manggala, the rising Indonesian talent who previously competed in the Formula 4 British Series, is set to take the next big step in his racing career. Following an impressive season, capped off with a victory in the final race of the F4 British ...
Dne 2025-02-17 12:01:21 publikoval manažer davisaurelio - Oblíbeno: 3 | Rating: 3.59)
English Red Bull Racing Poised for Success in the Next Era of F1 [URL=https://...][url=https://imgbb.com/] Red Bull Racing Poised for Success in the Next Era of F1 As the MyRacingCareer Formula 1 universe braces for a new chapter, Red Bull Racing is ready to take flight into the future. With the highly antic...
Dne 2025-02-17 11:43:02 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 2 | Rating: 1.96)
Русский А что сеичас? Несмотря на то, что Артуро Сенна объявил, что перейдет в Ф3, он останется в Ф4 по нескольким причинам:1: Пользователь LukeNeroth (Друг и компаньон) присоединится к испанской Формуле 4 в сезоне 60, а Артуро будет участвовать в гонках бок о бок с LukeN...
Dne 2025-02-17 10:31:27 publikoval manažer ArturoN - Oblíbeno: 4 | Rating: 4.87)
Português, Brasil BOLETIM LÓTUS TEMPORADA 59 Hoje encerramos a melhor temporada da história da nossa querida equipe Lótus. Entre muitas conquistas, os seguintes recordes foram quebrados: > Melhor resultado da história entre equipes (3º - superando 5º da T57) > Melhor resultado de pilo...
Dne 2025-02-17 04:00:28 publikoval manažer GustavoMuller - Oblíbeno: 4 | Rating: 5.60)
Italiano Resoconto stagione Titan Racing Team Sarò breve Francesco Marengo ha fatto pietà ai sassi. Veronica Grimani pure. Ma nonostante questo la stagione 60 sarà una gran bella stagione. Soprattutto per Grimani. Perdere solo 10 secondi a stage da Pelias su stage da 7/8 minuti mi fa ...
Dne 2025-02-16 21:51:37 publikoval manažer Firestorm3 - Oblíbeno: 2 | Rating: 3.56)
Español ¿Y que pasa ahora? A pesar de haber anunciado que iría a la F3, Arturo Senna se quedará en la F4 por múltiples motivos:1: El usuario LukeNeroth (Amigo y compañero) se unirá a F4 española en la temporada 60, y Arturo correrá codo con codo con LukeNeroth2: Arturo consigu...
Dne 2025-02-16 20:04:37 publikoval manažer ArturoN - Oblíbeno: 5 | Rating: 5.00)
English What will happen to Arturo now? Despite having announced that he will be going to F3, Arturo Senna will stay in F4 for multiple choices: 1: User LukeNeroth is Joining F4 in season 60, and Arturo will race side by side with Luke Neroth 2: Arturo got 11th position this season 3: Artu...
Dne 2025-02-16 19:58:28 publikoval manažer ArturoN - Oblíbeno: 4 | Rating: 3.36)
English Thank You For Everything Thank you to everyone for one last time for everything. All that pain and suffering we went through in last 8 seasons was worth it as we were able to escape from backmarker status, at least for 1 season and get 5 pole positions, 6 podiums & 368p ...
Dne 2025-02-16 18:43:43 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 4 | Rating: 7.53)
English Mercedes End Of An Era Well it is end of an era for Finnish team after today´s race in Abu Dhabi I made one final video and it took long time to make, so if everyone could watch this video to the end, would really be grateful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE3cqW9LE...
Dne 2025-02-16 09:55:13 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 1 | Rating: 1.96)
Suomi Suomen Viimeinen Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE3cqW9LEbM Tän videon teossa meni todella kauan aikaa ja tämä on meidän suomalaistallin viimeinen video (Mercedes youtube kanavalle) Katsokaa koko video loppuun asti
Dne 2025-02-16 09:49:59 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 1 | Rating: 1.96)
English The Pegaso fanbase chooses its branding for a new era Over the past two weeks, Escudería Pegaso, Spain's Formula One team, has held a vote to choose a new design for the upcoming seasons. In a process limited to its shareholders and fans, a choice was made between two continuist designs, based on the...
Dne 2025-02-15 15:45:43 publikoval manažer nicorz - Oblíbeno: 14 | Rating: 22.53)
Català La massa social de Pegaso tria els seus colors per a una nova era Durant les últimes dues setmanes, la Escuderia Pegaso, únic equip espanyol de la Fórmula 1 de My Racing Career, ha celebrat sengles votacions per triar un nou disseny de cara a les properes temporades. En un procés limitat als seus accionistes i a...
Dne 2025-02-15 15:24:50 publikoval manažer nicorz - Oblíbeno: 3 | Rating: 5.84)
1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 858

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