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O násBlogPodmínky služebOchrana osobních údajů
English Victory in Austria For Red Bull & Championship Lead Secured! Victory in Austria & Championship Lead Secured! Germain delivers an incredible drive to win the Austrian Grand Prix, claiming a crucial victory for Red Bull! With this win, he takes the lead in the Drivers' Championship, now sitting 9 points a...
Dne 2025-03-28 10:24:51 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English Germain Takes Pole Position In Red Bull Ring! Germain Takes Pole Position In Red Bull Ring! Germain delivers a stunning performance in qualifying and secures pole position for today’s Austrian Grand Prix in Red Bull Ring! A crucial result in the championship fight, especially with his title r...
Dne 2025-03-27 10:48:44 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Nederlands Welkom nieuwe spelers Hoi ,Welkom bij My Racing Career! Ik ben één van de assistenten in dit spel en het is mijn taak om jou dit spel te leren spelen. Ik hoop dat je hier veel plezier zult hebben en nieuwe vrienden zult vinden. Het spel ziet er misschien een beetje moeili...
Dne 2025-03-26 23:54:41 publikoval manažer Pollie - Oblíbeno: 3 | Rating: 4.07)
中文 国区冠军杯第六站战报!积分榜第二名悬念再起! 第一回合在宁波的瓢泼大雨中进行,刚一起步孙坚便和朱某人进行缠斗,结果孙坚在2号弯发生事故冲入砂石区无奈退赛,杆位起步的大好局面... 第二回合中,邹志学凭借起步阶段和第10圈安全车退出两次车阵较为紧密的机会,从第9名一路超车来到第一,黄伟豪跟着邹志学的超车脚步... 本站结束后,孙坚两回合的退赛使得他原先50分的领先优势仅剩不足10分,积分榜第二名的悬念再起,让我们持续关注!
Dne 2025-03-26 15:57:03 publikoval manažer ysfyzy - Oblíbeno: 2 | Rating: 2.62)
English Red Bull Needs Your Support! Red Bull Needs Your Support! To keep fighting at the very top, we need your help! Voting points from our incredible fans provide us with essential extra income, allowing us to continue building the best possible cars and pushing for victories. Eve...
Dne 2025-03-26 12:27:30 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 2 | Rating: 1.96)
English First Win for Rose After 12 seasons of racing, British driver Gavin Rose recorded his first season series win at FE World Series Anhembi. Interviewed after the race, Rose said "I just pushed and pushed to catch the car in front. But I couldn't because there was...
Dne 2025-03-24 14:24:11 publikoval manažer Mobeer - Oblíbeno: 4 | Rating: 5.53)
Ελληνικά Δοκιμαστικά Και στα 4 βάλτε το 1, για να κάνετε τους μέγιστους γύρους
Dne 2025-03-24 06:35:56 publikoval manažer ThomasKaragiannis - Oblíbeno: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English RED BULL WINS IN CANADA – 1-2 FINISH FOR GERMAIN AND CAMPOLAGO RED BULL WINS IN CANADA – 1-2 FINISH FOR GERMAIN AND CAMPOLAGO A perfect race day in Montreal as Red Bull Racing delivers a stunning 1-2 finish at the Canadian Grand Prix. Germain takes the victory with a commanding drive, while Campolargo brings ...
Dne 2025-03-24 04:57:10 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 1 | Rating: 1.96)
中文 国家杯第4周战报 国家杯第四周结束,本周六位车手均有积分入账,其中U21组的黄伟豪表现最为出色,凭借排位赛和第一回合正赛中的两个第五名刷新了国区... U25组别中,朱居波两回合分列16/14,邹志学第一回合拿到第15,第二回合中一度来到第10,可惜在向国区U25组别记录发起冲... 全年龄组别中,孙坚和郭彪都是排位赛24,第一回合23,第二回合20,同步率100% 第五周的国家杯U25组别将有斯帕赛道和纽伯格林北环,敬请关注!
Dne 2025-03-24 03:27:36 publikoval manažer ysfyzy - Oblíbeno: 3 | Rating: 3.29)
English CAMPOLARGO TAKES POLE FOR RED BULL IN MONTREAL – THIS ONE IS FOR EDDIE JORDAN CAMPOLARGO TAKES POLE IN MONTREAL – THIS ONE IS FOR EDDIE JORDAN Red Bull Racing is on top in qualifying as Campolargo delivers a brilliant lap to secure pole position for today’s race in Montreal. It was almost a front-row lockout, as Germain set...
Dne 2025-03-23 07:39:25 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 1 | Rating: 1.96)
English Rodger Green Flying High Rodger Green is making a name for himself in the Polish Formula Four Series racking up a podium and many points. "Rodger Green is definitely one to look for in the future" said our team in Poland. BobPG added "He continues to amaze me....
Dne 2025-03-22 21:17:03 publikoval manažer BobPG - Oblíbeno: 3 | Rating: 4.91)
English DOUBLE PODIUM IN SPAIN FOR RED BULL – GERMAIN TAKES THE WIN DOUBLE PODIUM IN SPAIN – GERMAIN TAKES THE WIN What a race in Barcelona. Germain delivers a flawless performance to win the Spanish Grand Prix, adding another victory to his incredible Season 60 campaign. It was nearly a 1-2 finish for Red Bull...
Dne 2025-03-21 10:32:12 publikoval manažer Sir_ErikSalama - Oblíbeno: 2 | Rating: 0.18)
English Only 4 years (RL) It’s been 4 years since my last press release, which was about my second driver reaching the very top! And of course, this time the news is about the same thing! Now my third protégé has made it to F1! Yep, in Season 61, another Artis will be raci...
Dne 2025-03-21 08:05:29 publikoval manažer ArtisMAKANS - Oblíbeno: 5 | Rating: 5.95)
Latviešu Tikai 4 gadi Pagājuši 4 gadi kopš manas pēdējās preses relīzes, kas bija par to ka mans otrais braucējs ticis līdz pašai spicei! Un protams arī šoreiz ziņa ir par to pašu! Nu jau trešais mans audzēknis ir ticis līdz dalībai F1! Jap, 61. sezonā kārtējais Artis b...
Dne 2025-03-21 07:54:24 publikoval manažer ArtisMAKANS - Oblíbeno: 1 | Rating: 1.96)
中文 国区冠军杯第五站战报 第一回合中,杆位出发的邹志学轻松PTW,而第二出发的黄伟豪在倒数第5圈2号弯走大,丢失节奏后连掉两个位置,最终只拿到第四,朱某... 第二回合中,第三名出发的托克斯趁着叶一飞在14圈以及朱重八在36圈的各一次失误,非常机敏的完成两次超车,最终获得冠军,朱重八第... 总积分榜上,邹志学仍以三位数的优势领跑,杯赛冠军的悬念越来越低,孙坚也领先第三名59分,稳坐第二,而随着刘诗诗在第二回合的退赛... 第五站之后积分榜如下: 名次 赛车手 PTS 1...
Dne 2025-03-20 13:21:23 publikoval manažer ysfyzy - Oblíbeno: 4 | Rating: 4.06)
1 2 3 4 ... 859

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