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Tiskové zprávy - Since when has any discussion of religon or Politics Not offeded someone

Since when has any discussion of religon or Politics Not offeded someone

The very first post mentions some driver started a contrevesay In seattle about being against Facism Flag.. That in it's very nature is offensive.. so it's against the rules. Second it's advertising a pollical view without permission.

Now The day after I suggest players Not bring up inflamtory subjects Like Politics.. This same manager brings Up a Highly political subject.. Gun Control and advertises he Political View point Again..

So I reposted Forum RULES! we are suppose to be intelligent enough to know disussions of Religon or politics always leads to bad feeling and destroys any type of community unity.

Then In your last Post you suggested changing lyrics is Song with negative conatations about anyone Living in state Of Texas! That is exactly what rules says you cannot do at All.

So if once again simply state you comment though negative and derogatory is Political and Not allowed. I am Bullying you?

No I trying to prevent ANY disharmony in MRC forum or articles.. I do Believe Being in Community for NRC that is exactly my job in that Role.

So it's your choice follow the rules or don't.. It will not be myself who will do anything.. That is not my role.. But if I had the power to do that I would have deleted all your articles and anyone who says anything political.. Because it will destroy this game..


Dne 2018-06-03 00:20:11 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 5 | Rating: 9.45
Toto je reakce na následující tiskové prohlášení:

The Flames are Out of Control in Texas!

Dne 2018-06-02 22:07:35 publikoval manažer EugeneBellamy - Oblíbeno: 5 | Skore: 9.435

Now I'm not an advocate of public flame wars, but there are times when individuals need to stand up for the rights of others and if necessary for themselves. Harassment and bullying is where I draw the line. The recent barrage of such activity ...

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