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Tiskové zprávy - The Flames are Out of Control in Texas!

The Flames are Out of Control in Texas!

Now I'm not an advocate of public flame wars, but there are times when individuals need to stand up for the rights of others and if necessary for themselves.

Harassment and bullying is where I draw the line. The recent barrage of such activity by a Texas manager needs to be noted given that he has made public demands of 2 individual managers that infringe upon their human rights as acclaimed by the United Nations.

I do note the TerryWilson is also highly acclaimed given that he is an MRC Community official. What I fail to understand is his interpretation of what can and can't be communicated by the press of this community.

I'velooked diligently at the Forum Rules and no where can I find anything that directly suggests individuals are censored with regards to their political views.

While I believe that TerryWilson is relying heavily on his own personal perception to claim that he is offended by the actions of other managers, I would suggest that the ambiguity of that rule leads to it being of no consequence. What is offensive for one individual may in fact be an acceptable practice for a community and thus the ambiguity. That I believe sums up this situation.

What I do find clearly defined in the Forum Rules is that managers are responsible for their own actions against any laws which is a point that I attempted bring attention to.

In this particular instance I see an official attempting to usurp their authority and obfuscate the freedoms afforded our membership. That is definitely offensive.

Dne 2018-06-02 22:07:35 publikoval manažer EugeneBellamy
Oblíbeno: 5 | Rating: 9.44
Toto je reakce na následující tiskové prohlášení:

I would like to remind you,, Your getting Politcal

Dne 2018-06-02 03:01:54 publikoval manažer TerryWilson - Oblíbeno: 5 | Skore: 9.418

I said Nothing about US Law.. But like the other post,... KEEP YOUR POLITICAL Views to social media! This a Game a Racing game . Nobody cares about your Political views Nor mine! Is that pretty simple.. Once again READ forum Rules! It applies Univ...

Reakce na toto tiskové prohlášení

Since when has any discussion of religon or Politics Not offeded someone

Dne 2018-06-03 00:20:11 publikoval manažer TerryWilson - Oblíbeno: 5 | Skore: 9.447

The very first post mentions some driver started a contrevesay In seattle about being against Facism Flag.. That in it's very nature is offensive.. so it's against the rules. Second it's advertising a pollical view without permission. Now The d...

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