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Referral Campaign to Start Now!

Referral Campaign to Start Now!

Hello guys... This article is dedicated to those of you, who would like to have superlicense available to use, but are not able to pay for it. There is way for you to obtain license and not have to spend money. And from now it is even easier than before so you should read this article carefully!

Referral Campaign to Start Now!

From now you will not earn coins only when one of your referrals purchase Superlicense or Coins. From now, you will also be awarded when this user does well in the game.

So here are 3 ways to earn coins:

1. Get the coins whenever you referral makes a purchase. The amount depends on how expensive the purchase was. In general for every 10 Euro payment you get 30 coins, for every 18 Euro payment you get 60 coins. This works for all current payment methods and packages, but it might not be the same with new payment methods or packeges we will add inthe future.
This way is pretty effective. There have been more than 1000 coins earned this way.

2. Get 5 coins when your referral achieve experience 5. That means he have to play the game for 5 consecutive weeks. For one referral you can get this coins only once and more referrals you have more coins you can get.
This offer applies to all referrals registered on 01.02.2013 or later only.

3. Get 5 coins when your referral wins his first race. Again one referral means only one chance to get this 5 coins, but you can get these coins from unlimited number of referrals.
This offer applies to all referrals registered on 01.02.2013 or later only.

WARNING: Referrals are the simplest way how to detect multiplaying. So rather don`t cheat otherwise you can loose your manager account.

by DebiK
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