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Fem servir galetes per millorar la teva experiència de joc i per analitzar el trànsit. També compartim informació sobre el teu ús del nostre lloc web amb els nostres socis de xarxes socials, publicitat i analítics.
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English Daniel Nearly Takes Pole at Valenciana The weather met for a perfect qualifying condition at the Circuit de Valencia, which hosts the Rookie Series for the next few days. It's always a treat to see the newest talent go head to head as they work their way to the ultimate prize, Formula One...
el 2015-03-10 22:57:59 per adams008 - M'agrada: 5 | Ràting: 7.18)
English Wheeler Calls for American Drivers Earlier this season, American Rage driver, Nick Wheeler gave some insight on American racing. With the announcement of the Nations' Cup yesterday, we reached out to Wheeler to see if he would be bidding for a role on the American team. Jason Anderson...
el 2015-03-10 20:37:27 per nwheel - M'agrada: 11 | Ràting: 17.08)
English HamrHedZ Bids Adieu HamrHedZ bids adieu After many seasons HamrHedZ will not be renewing contracts with our current Drivers Romadov and Cheever . After many , many seasons of loyally fulfilling their driving tasks There comes a time when a break is needed . ...
el 2015-03-10 15:38:51 per ArkAngel - M'agrada: 10 | Ràting: 17.57)
Suomi Tapahtumia kerrakseen Paljon on tapahtunut suomalaiskuski Valtteri Sinisalolle sitten viime lehdistötiedotteen. Tuloksena on mm. voitto ilmaissarjan kisasta ja parantuneet otteet Indy Junior USA - kausisarjassa, jossa hän majailee tällä hetkellä sijalla 8. Se on yllättäny...
el 2015-03-10 14:33:02 per FinnishGuy - M'agrada: 4 | Ràting: 6.72)
English Disappointment after Striver's retirement The rumours that Striver has been considering retirement have been around for a while, but it was still I shock for me when I read the news this morning. The day after the Nations Cup series had been announced, this is a big blow to the UK team. I...
el 2015-03-10 11:29:43 per RH0258 - M'agrada: 4 | Ràting: 7.08)
English A Request To No Avail As the world (...one manager) reacts to Ray Strivers big news, youngster Noah Vale was quick to comment, proving he is no push over. Quoting he will "...match Ray on pace in just three seasons". is brave. Aiming to calm the nation's fear...
el 2015-03-10 08:30:59 per Adamski - M'agrada: 6 | Ràting: 10.71)
English Ray! Don't leave us! Great Britain needs you! Two major announcements yesterday. The first was the launch of the national associations, where countries from around the MRC globe will compete for glory and honour. The second may prove to seriously dent the British Team for this event. Ray Stri...
el 2015-03-10 08:02:38 per thedonz - M'agrada: 5 | Ràting: 8.81)
English Goodbye Mr. Ray Silverstone, UK. The Indy Jr circus arrives in Britain, and the home town fans have two things to celebrate. Ray Striver Narrowly missed out on pole by a fraction, just 0.021 behind Finn Michael Monroe, and looks in great shape to challenge for th...
el 2015-03-10 03:48:56 per Adamski - M'agrada: 7 | Ràting: 12.47)
Português Associação Nacional para Brasil Bem Já estão sendo lançadas as Associações Nacionais e peço que vocês se Inscreverem-se Para a Associação. Req... Usuarios que tenham a Superlicença ou que tenham experiencia de 3 ou mais de 3 Os pilotos tem que estar ativos pelo menos 14 dias ...
el 2015-03-10 01:59:48 per RichardRafi - M'agrada: 2 | Ràting: 3.72)
Српски Nacionalni i Svetski kup! Pozdrav svima! U ovom kratkom obavestenju, zelim samo da vam prenesem lepe vesti, a to je reprezentativno takmicenje koje pocinje od sledece sezone! Svi koji zele da ucestvuju mogu da mi se jave i ako ispunjavaju vrlo jednostavne uslove, mogu d...
el 2015-03-09 20:29:31 per FERNANDOf1ALONSO - M'agrada: 2 | Ràting: 2.15)
Português [F1] WAR alinha-se para a próxima época O entusiasmo no paddock é difícil de conter no final do Grande Prémio da Rússia, em Sochi. A moral está em alta com a equipa a celebrar os primeiros pontos da época, colocando ambos os pilotos nos lugares pontuáveis. "É um enorme salto para o...
el 2015-03-09 16:18:57 per toturi - M'agrada: 10 | Ràting: 17.47)
English [F1] WAR LINES UP FOR NEXT SEASON The excitement in the paddock is hard to contain as the Russian Grand Prix at Sochi ends. Morale is high as the team celebrates both drivers making it to the points and WAR scoring for the first time this season. "It is a great boost for the...
el 2015-03-09 16:05:37 per toturi - M'agrada: 11 | Ràting: 19.70)
Română Alonso nu și-a amintit după accident ultimii 20 de ani: ”Sunt pilot de karting și vreau să ajung în Formula 1” Pilotul McLaren Honda, spaniolul Fernando Alonso, s-a recuperat după accidentul suferit în 22 februarie, pe circuitul din Catalonia, la o sesiune de antrenamente, când a intrat cu mașina într-un zid, cu viteza de 215 km/oră. Cotidianul spaniol El Pai...
el 2015-03-09 11:06:05 per DoRuF1 - M'agrada: 0 | Ràting: 0.00)
Čeština Jaké auto je nejrychlejší? 1) Formule 1 Jak už mnozí vědí, tak jsem blázen, který se pořád hrabe v nejrůznějších číslech. Prostě mám rád statistiky. Teď jsem si připravil tři tiskovky, které budou porovnávat veškerou techniku MRC od F1 přes veterány až po motorky. Formule 1 F1 je samo...
el 2015-03-08 22:15:15 per KazikluBey - M'agrada: 10 | Ràting: 15.31)
English Would you like to be more involved in the race? The best part of racing is the..race. The practice is great but very short lived. incorporating, the ability to Push or lag. How about to change pit strategy, short pitting, or weather, ect. This allows for interaction and fulfillment. I like to th...
el 2015-03-08 19:39:37 per RaceVapor - M'agrada: 3 | Ràting: 3.62)
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