Comunicats de Premsa
What can we say? It's a good time to be a part of this team. Management in WAR is a very dynamic process right now, refreshed by the new faces in the board room, Rogerius and JeronimoRodrigues. The WAR community is more engaged than ever and scoring ...
el 2016-12-06 17:03:37 per toturi
M'agrada: 14
Ràting: 23.58)
Baltian menestys ja Afrikkaan lähtö
Tälläiset olivat juhlat Baltian sarjan jälkeen, kun sensaatiokuski Anton Budanov Jr, yllätti kaikki ottamalla debyyttikaudellaan 2 sijan F3 Baltic sarjasta. Mestaruuden vei Shota Sato yli 60 pisteellä. (kuvassa oleva mies ei ole Anton)
el 2016-12-06 17:02:22 per Sir_ErikSalama
M'agrada: 3
Ràting: 5.13)
Trabant verlängert mit Solberg und Sahat
Was für ein Paukenschlag! Die neue Saison ist gerade mal einen Tag alt, da hat das TRABANT F1 Rennteam die Verträge seiner beiden Fahrer Petter Solberg und Pete Sahat II bereits um eine weitere Saison verlängert. Während Sahat gerade mal einen Tag fü...
el 2016-12-06 07:31:40 per Fixboy
M'agrada: 5
Ràting: 8.58)
Assalto alla F3 Alpine Series e non solo...
Lorandi ha scelto: per la prossima stagione in avvio Alessio ha deciso di trasferirsi dalla Serie Tedesca a quella delle piste Svizzere e Austriache dell'Alpine Series! Il giovane 21enne si è infatti trasferito nella casa svizzera della Jenzer Motors...
el 2016-12-06 03:26:10 per RossanoArtuso
M'agrada: 5
Ràting: 5.96)
NZ Ready for Season 21
New Zealand is looking forward to continuing its progress up the rankings in the Nations Cup.
Since its arrival in the Cup the managers and drivers have been working hard to improve their standing each season. This was seen at the completion of se...
el 2016-12-06 03:15:59 per OwenBlack
M'agrada: 5
Ràting: 8.41)
New Porsche Gulf livery
Porsche Racing is proud to present our new Gulf livery for season 21. A stunning new livery, designed by kacinoman, is homage to one of most iconic and distinctive designs in racing history.
We have also made two liveries for Mygale and Lola F...
el 2016-12-05 21:11:53 per torbar4life
M'agrada: 12
Ràting: 20.85)
Porsche Racing v novih barvah
Za vse navijače ekipe Porsche sem pripravil dva dizajna za dirkalnike formule 3 (Lola in Mygale), ki se zgledujeta po dizajnu dirkalnika Formule 1, ki ga je naredil kacinoman.
V prihodnje nameravan z dizajni pokriti tudi vse ostale sezonske ...
el 2016-12-05 20:24:30 per torbar4life
M'agrada: 7
Ràting: 12.28)
Amigos Runner (2ª edição) - Ovais
Terminou recentemente, a segunda edição do Campeonato Brasileiro de Ovais (Amigos Runners).
Confira o calendário:
1. Cayuga (Canadá)
2. Fontana (Estados Unidos)
3. Lausitzring (Alemanha)
4. Indianápolis (Estados Unidos)
5. Cayuga (Canadá)
el 2016-12-05 19:11:33 per Rogerius
M'agrada: 13
Ràting: 20.34)
Amigos Runners (5ª edição) - resultado final
No apagar das luzes da já passada temporada 20 do MRC, tivemos a conclusão daquela que foi certamente a mais disputada edição (5ª) da Amigos Runners.
Desta vez, os 32 principais corredores brasileiros percorreram o mundo para exibir suas habilidad...
el 2016-12-05 18:26:03 per Rogerius
M'agrada: 11
Ràting: 17.99)
Campeonato Brasileiro de Ovais III
Bom dia a todos.
Já estamos recebendo inscrições para a 3ª edição da competição extra-oficial: OVAL SERIES AR III.
Ao contrário do Brasileirão, Sulamericano ou Copa Brasil, não será uma categoria privada, mas utilizará pistas ovais das corridas...
el 2016-12-05 14:33:19 per rborges
M'agrada: 9
Ràting: 12.67)
Merkkipaaluja ja uusia haasteita
Kuskin uralle osuu hyviä ja huonoja hetkiä. Suomalaiskuski Valtteri Sinisalolle niitä hyviä hetkiä osui viime kaudella useita ja hän ajaakin tällä hetkellä mielestään uransa nautinnollisinta kilpaa.
"Kausisarjassa ei tullut mestaruutta, mutt...
el 2016-12-05 14:13:29 per FinnishGuy
M'agrada: 6
Ràting: 10.73)
Pričakovana odločitev Novaka
Komaj se je končala 20. sezona, že so se pojavila ugibanja, kje bo tekmoval letošnji zmagovalec slovenske serije F3. Za nedeljo ob 12.00 je ekipa sklicala novinarsko konferenco, kjer so naznanili odločitev.
Po uspešno zaključeni sezoni si je ekipa...
el 2016-12-05 12:58:42 per svizec
M'agrada: 2
Ràting: 3.55)
Op naar verbetering.
Walter gaat meedoen aan de Formule 3 Benelux series. Met een nieuwe auto en motor hoop hij dat er ook meer succes komt. Heb hard gewerkt en wil nu ook wat succes boeken. Afgelopen seizoen heeft hij zich zelf verbeterd zei zijn manager. Nu verdiend hi...
el 2016-12-05 07:20:57 per WalterAltena
M'agrada: 1
Ràting: 1.31)
Mercedes AMG F3 Canadian Series
Mercedes AMG F1 are very proud to announce that we are sponsoring the Mercedes AMG Formula 3 Canadian Series for Season 21. Come join in the fun here: https://www.myracing... at Mercedes AMG F1 acknowledge the vast amount of supporters and owners...
el 2016-12-05 04:11:25 per breNdzz
M'agrada: 8
Ràting: 13.81)
Crash Davis Jr moving up
It was talked about in the garage but no one was quite sure where Davis Jr was going to end up for this upcoming season. His management team wanted to keep him on his toes and the signed him up for the Indy Jr Series.
He is excited about the ch...
el 2016-12-05 03:56:16 per JasonMcSparron
M'agrada: 3
Ràting: 5.14)
Millors Comunicats de Premsa
Leonard Ellison Retires at 21, Shifts Focus to Social Media Stardom After Unsuccessful Racing Career