Noticies de MyRacingCareer
NOTÍCIES: La temporada 16 ja ha arribat!
Hola, tenim notícies d'alguns canvis del joc!
Català @ 2015-11-15
NOTÍCIES: Tour de Principiants!
Hola, avui presentem el nou tour de principiants, llegiu-ne els detalls!
Català @ 2015-11-04
NOTÍCIES: Circuit 500 a MRC!
Hola, alguns detalls del circuit 500 i notícies de l'e-magazín!
Català @ 2015-11-02
NEWS: MRC Requires New Translators!
Hi guys, we need translators - Read on for more details!
English @ 2015-10-30
NEWS: Anatoly Pogorelov, New Private Cars + Competition Winners!
Hi folks - today's news brings details of all the latest private cars added, winners of the 2 recent MRC competitions and specifics of MRC's involvement in the racing career of Anatoly Pogorelov!
English @ 2015-10-02
IMPORTANT: Time Zones Change
Just a quick announcement from DebiK. Due to some issues with time zones on new server we decided to rework the time zone system. Instead of having just a few zones available for you, now we basically have at least one time zone for every country, so now everybody should have no problems with his time zone during the whole year. Instructions how to set up correct time zone are inside article.
English @ 2015-09-24
NEWS: Bugs, Fixes and Updates!
Hi guys - We got news!
English @ 2015-09-21
IMPORTANT: Server Movement
After my vacation I started to work hard on the game improvements and one of them is to move game to new server whcih is faster, better, also more expensive, but it will all help us grow more in the future. Due to that the game will be offline this saturday from 9:00 CET to aproximatelly 11:00 CET - maybe 12:00 CET.
English @ 2015-09-18
NOTÍCIES: Temporada 15!
Hola nois, demà comença la temporada 15, i com ja és costum tenim enllestit un nou exemplar de la revista MRC e-magazine!
Català @ 2015-08-30
Error de funcionament de la DB
Benvolguts mànagers, els darrers dos dies han sigut d’allò més estressants amb el joc. Fa 2 nits la base de dades es va espatllar i ha causat alguns problemes amb el joc que ja estan arranjats.
Català @ 2015-08-25