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Прэс-рэлізы - Team Phantom Power off to a strong start

Team Phantom Power off to a strong start

Team Phantom Power driver Dante Vanderpuije has managed to maximize points from the first four races of the Indy Junior International Series. The young Canadian has qualified on pole, led the most laps and won each event to put him 80 points clear of second place Dominik Dan and 89 ahead of Guy Wellington.

"The boys and I have just had an amazing start to the season. We've done everything right and for the first time in a while we've started off on the right foot. Which is a huge relief! Last season when I competed in the F2 Africa Series, we made it nine out of ten pole positions. Hopefully we can follow a similar trend here! As always we've got some great competition as well from Dan, Blesk, Wellington, Blaines and Lacko. It's still really early in the season so we can't rest at all yet. We'll be pushing hard at every race."

With the first four circuit and street tracks completed the Series heads to Canada for the first oval of the season.

"We aren't the strongest on oval tracks, but the goal is still the same of course. Hopefully it turns out well for us especially since we're heading back home to Canada! I'm looking forward to the challenge though. Let's see how things play out."

Saint-Pie Oval is the next event followed by a return to the streets at Edmonton.

у 2013-08-11 07:11:30 ад daftkrft
Спадабалася: 2 | Рэйтынг: 2.91

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