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Прэс-рэлізы - Young driver Chris Morris retires

Young driver Chris Morris retires

After sustaining a severe knee injury on the first lap yesterday, young Canadian upstart has been forced into retirement. "It was really a unfortunate accident, the end of the season was coming up and I was pushing hard to end the season on a high note. I pushed too hard perhaps and made a passing attempt when I should not have. I don't blame the other driver or the track, it was simply my fault." stated a crestfallen Chris Morris.

"I'm not done with racing though, I'm concentrating on managing this team and I've already been in talks with a new driver. I hope I can pass on my knowledge and prevent more young drivers from making the mistakes I made."

у 2015-11-08 20:56:48 ад ChrisMorris
Спадабалася: 6 | Рэйтынг: 7.70

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