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BobPG just announced in a press statment that he will not be getting rid of his current client Bobby Green. And this came as inspiration as he literally just got his first pole, a front row qualification and a 2nd place just 8 tenths of a second from that amazing first win. Anyway back to the headline which everyone wants to know about. BobPG decided to stay faithful despite a rough start to a career. This is down to many reasons but the main one being wrong training plans. As the press conference was released, it spread like a wildlife as fans over the world could be relieved as they heard the words: "Bobby Green's racing career is FAR FROM OVER! We have some amazing plans for the future!"
And on that note I'd like to introduce next seasons plans. I've looked at my finances and taken a rough guess that by the end of the season I might be able to enter Formula E. If for some reason or other I don't have the necessary funds come seasons end, I will look to renew Bobby's seat in F3. As usual, Update in 20 days.
у 2024-08-23 11:47:32 ад BobPG
Спадабалася: 4 | Рэйтынг: 3.89

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